Have you ever noticed that all too often you make crafts and things for people but never for yourself? I always find that I am giving away my creations. Poor Ian gets the short end of this stick as well. All too often, he mentions that he likes this or that while I am making it for someone else and he never gets a handmade present.
Well, tomorrow I am going to right that wrong. I made a cute penguin in blue shades for my godson Aiden when he was born. I used a I hook to make it big enough for him to grasp and play with. Ian had mentioned that he thought the penguin was cute. He wanted one in black and white, though. He is a traditionalist-- not really one for outlandish color schemes. While he was in the mountians with his friends this weekend, I whiped him up one. The pattern is free from Lion Brand's site. He's a little shy but oh so cute. I think he will look great on Ian's desk at work. I hope he likes him.
And speaking of presents, I have a debt of gratitude to pay to my little brother. I had a doctor's appointment at Temple Hospital in Philadelphia. I hate to drive into the city but my brother, Devin, is quite comfortable. He goes to school there-- Drexel. Devin drove me to my appointment and waited for 3 hours while I waited to be seen and go thru a bunch of paper work. I really appreciated it. In thanks, I thought I would make him an orange crown, his favorite color. I made it similar to the one that I made for a baby but I made the crown wider. Unfortunately, it is a little too wide for me. Hopefully, it is not too wide on Devin-- his head is a little bit bigger than mine. Well, we shall see.
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