Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Help a Shanny Out?

Every year, my department at work holds a basket raffle. The proceeds go to our Adopt-A-Family fund. In December, we take the money we earned at various events and go shopping for a local family in need.
I usually make a basket on my own and also join at least one other team in making a basket (I like to give back, what can I say?).

This year, I was thinking this may be a good opportunity to de-stash my craft room considering how tight funds have been as of late and also the fact that I can barely walk around in there anymore. Would you mind taking a 3 question survey to help me figure out what theme the Craft Basket should have? I was thinking I'd throw in a little bit of everything but that doesn't sound like it would appeal to anyone but myself. Most people have one to three crafts they love and maybe a handful more that they dable in.

Take the survey, please?:

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